Monday, November 3, 2008

sechewen kopi

dah abis exam..baru satu paper nak kecoh..balik2 trus aku capai gitar men lagu smbil dgr lagu..aku pasang le lagu cromok-misty..seriously aku tak paham apa yang dia cuba sampaikan..suara ala2 black gitu...yang aku dgr just i'll wait 4 u..haha..part tu le aku ngan mmber aku suka jerit ramai,,nak wat suara rock tak leh sbb masing2 jiwang...hahaha..
so aku google la cromok lyrics misty,then aku try pahamkan..there's a deep meaning yang apabila dihayati kita dapat rasakan apa yang cuba disampaikan..true,cromok is a band,no actually cromok tu pemuisi yang pentaskan bahan gubahan dalam bentuk musik wonder la masing2 belajar kat oversea,semua lagu diorng sedap..

Searching for an answer
Wandering through different place
Is there anything left for the heart so true
Flying with broken wings
Plunging into certain death

The sight of you save me from the fall
I reach out to touch you
Spread my wings towards your heart
Fly until I reach, reach my destination

Will I ever win
Your voice answer to my doubt
Failure does not exist, exist, exist in my life
You hope lies in your sparkin the dark
Guide me with your heart

You caught me by surprise
Blink of your eyes
Like the colour in the sky
Happy ever after
Milions hands grab me away from you
Milions reason nothing, nothing

I ever knew
Will it ever matter
Fantasy turn to shattered dreams
I don't knowWhy they stop
What have I done

Sadness in my eyes
Even demons cry
I'll wait for you
There is nothing that I can't do
Even back to where I start
Broken wings with broken heart

beri semangat?lain orng len pahaman..tapi apa2pon yang pasti aku layan solo die je..haha.
n last but not least,ungkapan don't judge a book by its cover,aku setuju..macam band ni la..dah dgr suara rock macam melalak,jangan kata lagu dia sampai tak baik,just listen the lyrics and then baru u interpret..macam tu gak manusia,kalau de kawan tgk muka dia jahat buruk tak hensem macam penjenayah sikit rambut panjang bla22,jgn la trus cakap dia jahat..kenali dulu baru interpret sikap sesorng tu..adios..

p/s:sapa de alamat karl cromok bgtau aku..nak berguru ngan die..hehe



encik..u hd been tagged by me.. sila2 jwb :p

anep said...

oit babun,
aku nk lirik desire bloodymary,
ada tab skali lg baguih

bosan said...

oi..pungkok.kate nk mai plaza rah.aku tggu ni

Unknown said...

mirul aku baru tau ko ade blog. wahaha..

solo misty? fuh.. masyukk